Package analyzer

Interface OutputCollector

public interface OutputCollector
This interface is used to collect analyzer output in the form of comments, tags and an optional summary.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Add a new comment to the analysis.
    Add a new tag to the analysis.
    Retrieve a copy of the comments added to this analysis.
    The summary is a short description of the complete analysis result.
    Retrieve a copy of the tags added to this analysis.
    setSummary(String summary)
    Set the summary of the analysis.
  • Method Details

    • getSummary

      String getSummary()
      The summary is a short description of the complete analysis result. It is null by default.
      The summary if set, null otherwise.
    • setSummary

      void setSummary(String summary)
      Set the summary of the analysis. If the summary was set previously, setting it again will overwrite it. The summary can be cleared by setting it to null.
      summary - The summary to set.
    • getComments

      List<Comment> getComments()
      Retrieve a copy of the comments added to this analysis. The resulting list is guaranteed to contain no duplicates.
      List of comments.
    • getTags

      List<String> getTags()
      Retrieve a copy of the tags added to this analysis. The resulting list is guaranteed to contain no duplicates.
      List of tags.
    • addComment

      void addComment(Comment comment)
      Add a new comment to the analysis. This does nothing if a comment with the same values was added previously.
      comment - The comment to add.
    • addTag

      void addTag(String tag)
      Add a new tag to the analysis. This does nothing if the same tag was added previously.
      tag - The tag to add.