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ACTIONABLE - Enum constant in enum class analyzer.Comment.Type
addComment(Comment) - Method in interface analyzer.OutputCollector
Add a new comment to the analysis.
addTag(String) - Method in interface analyzer.OutputCollector
Add a new tag to the analysis.
analysis() - Method in record class analyzer.Output
Returns the value of the analysis record component.
Analysis(String, List<Comment>) - Constructor for record class analyzer.Output.Analysis
Creates an instance of a Analysis record class.
analyze(Solution) - Static method in class analyzer.AnalyzerRoot
Perform the analysis of a solution.
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in interface analyzer.Analyzer
Analyze the given solution and append analysis results to the given output..
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.GlobalAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.hamming.HammingAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.lasagna.LasagnaAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.loglevels.LogLevelsAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.needforspeed.NeedForSpeedAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.salarycalculator.SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.secrets.SecretsAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.twofer.TwoferAnalyzer
analyze(Solution, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.wizardsandwarriors.WizardsAndWarriorsAnalyzer
analyzer - package analyzer
Analyzer - Interface in analyzer
The Analyzer interface is used to implement both global and exercise-specific analyzers.
analyzer.comments - package analyzer.comments
analyzer.exercises - package analyzer.exercises
analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration - package analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration
analyzer.exercises.hamming - package analyzer.exercises.hamming
analyzer.exercises.lasagna - package analyzer.exercises.lasagna
analyzer.exercises.leap - package analyzer.exercises.leap
analyzer.exercises.loglevels - package analyzer.exercises.loglevels
analyzer.exercises.needforspeed - package analyzer.exercises.needforspeed
analyzer.exercises.salarycalculator - package analyzer.exercises.salarycalculator
analyzer.exercises.secrets - package analyzer.exercises.secrets
analyzer.exercises.twofer - package analyzer.exercises.twofer
analyzer.exercises.wizardsandwarriors - package analyzer.exercises.wizardsandwarriors
AnalyzerCli - Class in analyzer
The main entrypoint to the Java analyzer from the command-line.
AnalyzerCli() - Constructor for class analyzer.AnalyzerCli
AnalyzerRoot - Class in analyzer
The AnalyzerRoot is the initial entrypoint when analyzing a solution.
AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration
The AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the annalyns-infiltration practice exercise.
AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer
AvoidBooleanLiteralReturns - Class in analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration
AvoidBooleanLiteralReturns() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidBooleanLiteralReturns
AvoidComparisonWithLiteral - Class in analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration
AvoidComparisonWithLiteral() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidComparisonWithLiteral
AvoidHardCodedTestCases - Class in analyzer.comments
This comment instructs students not to hard-code values used in the exercise tests.
AvoidHardCodedTestCases() - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.AvoidHardCodedTestCases
AvoidIfStatements - Class in analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration
AvoidIfStatements() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidIfStatements
AvoidPrintStatements - Class in analyzer.comments
This comment instructs students not to use print statements in order to debug their solution.
AvoidPrintStatements() - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.AvoidPrintStatements


CELEBRATORY - Enum constant in enum class analyzer.Comment.Type
Comment - Class in analyzer
The Comment class models a single comment in the analysis output.
Comment() - Constructor for class analyzer.Comment
Comment.Type - Enum Class in analyzer
The type of comment.
comments() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Analysis
Returns the value of the comments record component.
ConstructorTooLong - Class in analyzer.comments
This comment indicates that the code in the solution's constructor is too long, and that it would benefit from being broken up into helper methods.
ConstructorTooLong(String) - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.ConstructorTooLong
ConstructorTooLong(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.ConstructorTooLong


DoNotUseMainMethod - Class in analyzer.comments
Use this comment if a solution has defined a static main method.
DoNotUseMainMethod() - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.DoNotUseMainMethod


equals(Comment) - Method in class analyzer.Comment
equals(Object) - Method in class analyzer.Comment
equals(Object) - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Analysis
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class analyzer.Output
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Tags
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
ESSENTIAL - Enum constant in enum class analyzer.Comment.Type
ExemplarSolution - Class in analyzer.comments
Use this comment if the solution is comparable to the exemplar solution.
ExemplarSolution(String) - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.ExemplarSolution


FeedbackRequest - Class in analyzer.comments
This comment requests students to leave feedback on the analyzer comments.
FeedbackRequest() - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.FeedbackRequest


getComments() - Method in interface analyzer.OutputCollector
Retrieve a copy of the comments added to this analysis.
getCompilationUnits() - Method in interface analyzer.Solution
Get the parsed Java files that are part of the solution.
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.Comment
The comment key is a String that uniquely identifies the comment.
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.AvoidHardCodedTestCases
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.AvoidPrintStatements
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ConstructorTooLong
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.DoNotUseMainMethod
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ExemplarSolution
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.FeedbackRequest
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.MethodTooLong
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.PreferStringConcatenation
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.RemoveTodoComments
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ReuseCode
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidBooleanLiteralReturns
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidComparisonWithLiteral
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidIfStatements
getKey() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.RedundantParentheses
getParameters() - Method in class analyzer.Comment
Each parameter in the Markdown template should have a corresponding parameter in the comment.
getParameters() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ConstructorTooLong
getParameters() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ExemplarSolution
getParameters() - Method in class analyzer.comments.MethodTooLong
getParameters() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ReuseCode
getSlug() - Method in interface analyzer.Solution
Get the slug of the exercise to which the solution belongs.
getSummary() - Method in interface analyzer.OutputCollector
The summary is a short description of the complete analysis result.
getTags() - Method in interface analyzer.OutputCollector
Retrieve a copy of the tags added to this analysis.
getType() - Method in class analyzer.Comment
Use Comment.Type.ESSENTIAL to instruct students that they must address it. Use Comment.Type.ACTIONABLE to instruct students that they could improve their solution by addressing it. Use Comment.Type.INFORMATIVE to give students extra information without expecting them to use it. Use Comment.Type.CELEBRATORY to tell students that they did something right.
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.AvoidHardCodedTestCases
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ConstructorTooLong
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.DoNotUseMainMethod
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ExemplarSolution
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.MethodTooLong
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.PreferStringConcatenation
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.RemoveTodoComments
getType() - Method in class analyzer.comments.ReuseCode
getType() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidBooleanLiteralReturns
getType() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidComparisonWithLiteral
getType() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AvoidIfStatements
getType() - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.RedundantParentheses
GlobalAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises
The GlobalAnalyzer contains checks that are exercise-agnostic, such as whether a solution is using print statements or a static main method.
GlobalAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.GlobalAnalyzer


HammingAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.hamming
The HammingAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the hamming practice exercise.
HammingAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.hamming.HammingAnalyzer
hashCode() - Method in class analyzer.Comment
hashCode() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Analysis
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class analyzer.Output
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Tags
Returns a hash code value for this object.


INFORMATIVE - Enum constant in enum class analyzer.Comment.Type


LasagnaAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.lasagna
The LasagnaAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the lasagna concept exercise.
LasagnaAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.lasagna.LasagnaAnalyzer
LeapAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.leap
The LeapAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the leap practice exercise.
LeapAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
LogLevelsAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.loglevels
The LogLevelsAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the log-levels practice exercise.
LogLevelsAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.loglevels.LogLevelsAnalyzer


main(String...) - Static method in class analyzer.AnalyzerCli
MethodTooLong - Class in analyzer.comments
This comment indicates that a method in the solution is too long, and that it could benefit from being split up into multiple helper methods.
MethodTooLong(String) - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.MethodTooLong
MethodTooLong(Collection<String>) - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.MethodTooLong


NeedForSpeedAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.needforspeed
The NeedForSpeedAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the need-for-speed practice exercise.
NeedForSpeedAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.needforspeed.NeedForSpeedAnalyzer


Output - Record Class in analyzer
Output(Output.Analysis, Output.Tags) - Constructor for record class analyzer.Output
Creates an instance of a Output record class.
Output.Analysis - Record Class in analyzer
Output.Tags - Record Class in analyzer
OutputCollector - Interface in analyzer
This interface is used to collect analyzer output in the form of comments, tags and an optional summary.


PreferStringConcatenation - Class in analyzer.comments
PreferStringConcatenation() - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.PreferStringConcatenation


RedundantParentheses - Class in analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration
RedundantParentheses() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.RedundantParentheses
RemoveTodoComments - Class in analyzer.comments
This comment instructs students to remove lef-over to-do comments from their solution.
RemoveTodoComments() - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.RemoveTodoComments
ReuseCode - Class in analyzer.comments
ReuseCode(String, String) - Constructor for class analyzer.comments.ReuseCode


SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.salarycalculator
The SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the salary-calculator practice exercise.
SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.salarycalculator.SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer
SecretsAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.secrets
The SecretsAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the secrets practice exercise.
SecretsAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.secrets.SecretsAnalyzer
setSummary(String) - Method in interface analyzer.OutputCollector
Set the summary of the analysis.
Solution - Interface in analyzer
This represents the solution to an exercise.
summary() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Analysis
Returns the value of the summary record component.


tags() - Method in record class analyzer.Output
Returns the value of the tags record component.
tags() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Tags
Returns the value of the tags record component.
Tags(List<String>) - Constructor for record class analyzer.Output.Tags
Creates an instance of a Tags record class.
toString() - Method in class analyzer.Comment
toString() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Analysis
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class analyzer.Output.Tags
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class analyzer.Output
Returns a string representation of this record class.
TwoferAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.twofer
The TwoferAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the two-fer practice exercise.
TwoferAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.twofer.TwoferAnalyzer


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class analyzer.Comment.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class analyzer.Comment.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.GlobalAnalyzer
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.lasagna.LasagnaAnalyzer
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.loglevels.LogLevelsAnalyzer
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.salarycalculator.SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.secrets.SecretsAnalyzer
visit(MethodDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.twofer.TwoferAnalyzer
visit(LineComment, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.lasagna.LasagnaAnalyzer
visit(CompilationUnit, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
visit(BinaryExpr, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer
visit(ConditionalExpr, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
visit(IntegerLiteralExpr, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
visit(MethodCallExpr, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.GlobalAnalyzer
visit(ImportDeclaration, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
visit(IfStmt, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer
visit(IfStmt, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.leap.LeapAnalyzer
visit(ReturnStmt, OutputCollector) - Method in class analyzer.exercises.annalynsinfiltration.AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer


WizardsAndWarriorsAnalyzer - Class in analyzer.exercises.wizardsandwarriors
The WizardsAndWarriorsAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the wizards-and-warriors practice exercise.
WizardsAndWarriorsAnalyzer() - Constructor for class analyzer.exercises.wizardsandwarriors.WizardsAndWarriorsAnalyzer
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