Class AvoidPrintStatements


public class AvoidPrintStatements extends Comment
This comment instructs students not to use print statements in order to debug their solution. Instead they should use proper debugging tools.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AvoidPrintStatements

      public AvoidPrintStatements()
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Description copied from class: Comment
      The comment key is a String that uniquely identifies the comment.

      Comment keys use the format "java.<scope>.<name>". The <scope> can be either general for general comments, or the slug of the exercise for exercise-specific comments. The <name> specifies the name of the comment.

      The combination of <scope> and <name> must be unique, and defines the location of the Markdown template in the exercism/website-copy repository.

      For example, the comment key "java.hello-world.foo_bar" would translate to the Markdown file at analyzer-comments/java/hello-world/

      Specified by:
      getKey in class Comment
      The unique comment key.