Class HammingAnalyzer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HammingAnalyzer extends Object implements Analyzer
The HammingAnalyzer is the analyzer implementation for the hamming practice exercise.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HammingAnalyzer

      public HammingAnalyzer()
  • Method Details

    • analyze

      public void analyze(Solution solution, OutputCollector output)
      Description copied from interface: Analyzer
      Analyze the given solution and append analysis results to the given output.. The analyze method of each analyzer is invoked once for the whole submitted solution.
      Specified by:
      analyze in interface Analyzer
      solution - The solution that should be analyzed.
      output - The output collector instance used to collect analyzer results. This instance is shared across all analyzers, and should be used to add comments and tags, or set a summary.