Package analyzer

Interface Analyzer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnalynsInfiltrationAnalyzer, GlobalAnalyzer, HammingAnalyzer, LasagnaAnalyzer, LeapAnalyzer, LogLevelsAnalyzer, NeedForSpeedAnalyzer, SalaryCalculatorAnalyzer, SecretsAnalyzer, TwoferAnalyzer, WizardsAndWarriorsAnalyzer

public interface Analyzer
The Analyzer interface is used to implement both global and exercise-specific analyzers.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    analyze(Solution solution, OutputCollector output)
    Analyze the given solution and append analysis results to the given output..
  • Method Details

    • analyze

      void analyze(Solution solution, OutputCollector output)
      Analyze the given solution and append analysis results to the given output.. The analyze method of each analyzer is invoked once for the whole submitted solution.
      solution - The solution that should be analyzed.
      output - The output collector instance used to collect analyzer results. This instance is shared across all analyzers, and should be used to add comments and tags, or set a summary.